
Download Electromagnetic Theory And Electrodynamics By Satya Prakash Pdf free
Download Electromagnetic Theory And Electrodynamics By Satya Prakash Pdf free

Download Electromagnetic Theory And Electrodynamics By Satya Prakash Pdf free

Proceeding from such a formal mathematical approach, it is impossible to do anything more. This reasoning proves that it is possible to extend the principle of motion of electromagnetic field components to dynamic processes. Then the solution of the inverse problem the calculation of electromagnetic field component using obtained values is easily possible and will be correct a priori. In that case we can find values of electric and magnetic component necessary for calculation of the intrinsic field and the intrinsic velocity using Maxwell s equations as initial. Since in such processes electromagnetic field components, both electric and magnetic, are generally non-zero at each point of the electromagnetic field, all the expressions obtained in, which link electromagnetic field components with the intrinsic velocity, should be also valid from the mathematical point of view for dynamic processes.

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Similarly it is for a single charge when magnetic flux lines diverge from the charge if it is accelerated and converge if it is retarded. For a current carrying wire the magnetic force lines are moving outward the wire when the current is increased and to the wire when it is reduced. It is necessary to admit that any change in the magnetic flux through a loop occurs through motion of magnetic force lines outwards or inwards the loop depending on whether there is a reduction or increase in the magnetic flux. This Common fundamental principle underlying the electromagnetic field origination and transformation may be motion of electromagnetic field components. Such beautiful generalization is usually found to have an origin from a deep common fundamental principle. 1, 2013Ģ Feynman writes about the same paradoxical situation : We do not know any other such an example in physics when a simple and exact general law demanded for the real understanding of the analysis in terms of two different phenomena. However, we find an electromotive force in the conductor, for which there is no corresponding energy per se, but which causes, assuming equality of relative movement in the two discussed cases, electric currents in the same direction and at the same density, as in the first case. But if the magnet is at rest and the conductor moves, in the vicinity of magnet no electric field is generated.

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Because, when the magnet is in motion and the conductor is at rest, the electric field with certain density of energy emerges in the magnet vicinity generating current at the position of the conductor. The observable phenomenon depends only on relative movement of the conductor and the magnet, whereas usual opinion draws sharp distinction line between these two cases in which either one, or other body is in motion.

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Let`s consider, for example, electrodynamic interaction between a magnet and a conductor. Einstein writes on this paradoxical situation: It is known that Maxwellian electrodynamics, as it is usually understood now, leads to asymmetry being applied to moving bodies what, apparently, is not inherent to this phenomenon. Paradoxes emerge at the joint of theories, whose consideration is one of the problems posed in present article. Such processes are the subject of an absolutely different theory of electromagnetism, Maxwellian electrodynamics. Contrary to it, electrodynamics considers the electromagnetic field that varies in time or even that has lost its relation with the initial source and propagates in space and time. The basis of the theory describing these phenomena is Einstein s theory of special relativity, and more particularly, Lorentz transformations of the electromagnetic field. Physical nature and conditions of motion of electromagnetic field components were considered Introduction We have considered in article the motion of invariable in time electric and magnetic fields created by moving physical sources. It was also shown on the basis of known electromagnetic paradoxes that Maxwell s law of electromagnetic induction is the special case of Faraday s law of electromagnetic induction. Voytsehovich The article shows the possibility and necessity of extension the principle of electromagnetic field motion to electrodynamics processes. Electromagnetic field motion and electrodynamics L.N. 1 The theory of electromagnetic field motion.

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